Training in English

Objectif of the training

In Burundi the children groW without knowing how to speak and write English because Burundi was colonised by the Belgium which uses french in communication and in administrtives issues. So,from the arrival of the white people in Our country till now, the courses which are taught at school whether primarory to secondary school even in universities courses are delivered in French except English swahili and native language which is KIRUNDI. Burundi uses French in all public offairs. Reffering to what we explained above, it’s very difficult to the students who want to follow their studies abroad especially the universties which are in the countries which use English as the language of communication. . Jane Good all’ Roots and Shoots Burundi (an environmental association which deals with its activites in the whole teritoryof our country Burundi ) Lead by NINTERETSE David (National coordinator) by the nomination of Jane Good all the founder of Roots and Shoots all over the world. Organize every year from the beginning of september the training of English and information so as to facilitate the young volunteers of Roots and Shoots Burundi who often participate in activites of protecting our nature by making museries and also by protecting the animals especially chimpanzees to anable them to participate in the interview and join chung Jang christian university supported by Jane Goodall’s scholarship.


In English, students learn basic English which is written and spoken Engrish. The program, is made by eight modules which are subdivided into three groups. The first group is made by three books. In these three books , students studied common vocabularlies and how to read English.The second group is made by three books . In these books students studies how to conjuguate different verbs in different tenses and also some notions of basic grammar. The third group is made by two books those two books initializing students to the literature and how to explore book written by different authors all over the world.


In order to be the volunteer member of Roots and Shoots Burundi, it consists to make enlist at the national office of Roots and Shoots Burundi and accept to participate in all the activities done by Roots and Shoots Burundi. In order to get in the English and Informatics Training Center, you must be the volunteer of Roots and Shoots Burundi with three or more than three years being the member of this association with 50% or more in the national exam of completion secondary studies which authorizes student to pursue with university whether local or other universities all over the World. Roots and Shoots Burundi is opened to all Burundians and other people who want to work voluntary with the desire of participating in the activities of fighting against the disasters caused by climate change and also to participate in environment and animals protection so as to make this World a better place to live to all human breathe.


Burundi country has joined East Africa Community (EAC) so, in East Africa Community, all countries who made it before the entrance of Burundi and Rwanda in this community, they use English in all public and political affairs. In this way, in order to adhere in East Africa Community, Burundian people have to learn English so as to be able to communicate with them, to cooperate easily and to make culture exchange. The government of Burundi introduced the system of teaching English and Kiswahili from primary to secondary even in the universities in the way facilitating the good cooperation between Burundians people and other people from different countries of the East Africa Community.


From the starting of this English and Informatics training Center, we have four trips with more than twenty- five students who are at Chung Jung Christian University from 2017 to 2021. This is to say that this training center started delivering the courses in November 2017 till now the work is still on. After the training, students do the test so as to access that they understood we they learnt and those who succeed in the Test, they are given the Certificate of Achievement

Adresse de roots and shoots Burundi
Q. Résidentiel/Av.des hotels en haut de Palm Beach hotel
B.P:17 Rumonge
Tel fixe: +25722506107 / +25722506108
Les premiers représentans
Au Burundi
Jane Goodall
Au niveau international
Concepteur et développeur:IRATWIBUKA Jean Marie
Tel: +25761374659
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